poniedziałek, 15 grudnia 2008

9.12 Chinese dragon and other pecularities

See above the commercial featuring male genitalia (Durex subbrand Humo) we talked about.

Last time we talked about how to decipher an advertising campaign (best and not so great exemples from your work). We looked at some Chinese taboos in international advertising. Finally we listed some Polish taboos. For Tue, Dec 16th please refresh (or read for the first time):

1. Delphine Manceau, E. Tissier Desbordes, “Are Sex and Death Taboos in Advertising?
An Analysis of Taboos in Advertising and a Survey of French Consumer Perceptions”,
International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2006


2. John Ford, “Comments - Fear Appeals”, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 25, No.
3, 2006

poniedziałek, 1 grudnia 2008

2.12 No class

As you probably know we won't meet tomorrow. Sorry about that, something very urgent has come up. Well, I am pretty sure you will enjoy your free afternoon, right? However, not to lose this precious time I am gonna ask you to watch one of the commercials below (I took them from last Friday's Noc Reklamożerców/AdEaters) and do three things:

1) Describe the target group.
2) Decode the message. What did they want to say about the brand/service/values, wahetever? What benefits, what features does the ad focus on? What is it supposed to do?
3) What emotions does it base on and why?

You can post your answers here on the blog (make sure you sign them with your real name, so I'll know who is who) or send it to me by mail. Do it by Dec 8th.

Oh, by the way - you can vote for the best ad of all. We'll see what appeals to young sociologists A.D. 2008. :-)

1. Audi Quattro (make sure you watch all three and in the right order)
Audi 1
Audi 2
Audi 3
4. Metro Madrid
5. The Crime Channel
6. Center Fruit

wtorek, 25 listopada 2008

Testing, testing, testing...17.10


This time we talked about researching ads. We watched some Bond - Heineken commercials and then we looked at some storyboards and discussed neural methods of testing. Below you will find the original British Nivea ad and the Polish version cut into 6 scenes after neural testing. Enjoy!

British version

Polish version

poniedziałek, 17 listopada 2008

Arts & Crafts, 3.11

Last time we talked about crafting ads and we even tried to come up with one that would make a breast cancer patient laugh. Tough job, but well done. As for your homework I was out of the game for two weeks and therefore your assignement is postponed. Still please read your stuff.

Reading: William Cooke, Theodore Dunn, “The changing face of advertising research in the information age: an ARF copy research council survey.”, 2006, Journal of Advertising Research
Leonard N. Reid, "Pretesting TV commercials: methods, measures and changing agency roles", 1993, Journal of Advertising Research

czwartek, 30 października 2008

ABC of advertising, 29.10

The new Pepsi logo, launched this month

Look at the history of Pepsi logo. Which one do you like best?

This week we looked at some vintage ads from 1900s and older. For more visit:

We talked about types of advertising, the AIDA model and we did a quick activity with print ads.
Thank you all for sending me all the crazy and banned ads. You can view some of them using links below:
Snickers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHkoZ7ngAM0
Soccer http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=NHQW8IeV8lE
Fcuk http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=cLN06w2bA9I&feature=related

If you still haven't sent your home assignement do so by the end of the week.

Reading: For next class please read David Ogilvy's text and excerpts from Pricken's book. To be found in the library or in your CD.

wtorek, 14 października 2008

Taboos, 16.10

We talked about primitive and modern taboos. Then we discussed different punishments and institutions entitled to deliver them. Finally, we did a case study on Cropptown "Zarzynamy ceny". By the way the prize goes to...shhh..you'll see on Tue, Oct 28th.

Reading (to be downloaded or found in the library):
1) Chetan Sharma "A Brief History of Advertising" in Mobile Advertising, chapter 10, Wiley 2008 at http://www.chetansharma.com/Mobile_Advertising_Chapter_01.pdf
2) Jerry W. Thomas "Advertising Effectiveness" at http://www.decisionanalyst.com/publ_art/adeffectiveness.dai

Home assignement: You are to find one ad (print, TV, whatever...) that violated at least one rule as set by Rada Etyki Reklamy. For their code of rules see http://http//www.radareklamy.org/kodeks-etyki-reklamy.htm
Bring your case to class and be ready to talk about it. I was sent one really good example by Mr. Wojtek Barcikowski. You can view it here http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=C7JLEZxXEis&NR=1 Not only is it racist, but it's just simply bad advertsising...yuck...

wtorek, 7 października 2008

Hi there

In the cluttered word of today’s mass communication marketers will do anything to grab people’s attention and so they will design and produce any controversial content disregarding social norms of instant market success. Their rapacity combined with consumers’ growing indifference gave birth to shockadvertising. It is defined as the use of frightening, offensive, taboo, and emotion-provoking words, images or concepts to sell a product or an idea. The message is meant to nail the consumers’ scanning mode and wandering attention in hope that the initial shock will burn the accompanying brand name or idea into the viewer’s memory.

The aim of the seminar: While shockadvertising as a marketing phenomenon is the focal point of the seminar we will also consider various topic related to its specificity.
Reading: Naoki Onishi "The Puritan Origins of American Taboos", The Japanese Journal of America Studies, No 10. 1999