poniedziałek, 15 grudnia 2008

9.12 Chinese dragon and other pecularities

See above the commercial featuring male genitalia (Durex subbrand Humo) we talked about.

Last time we talked about how to decipher an advertising campaign (best and not so great exemples from your work). We looked at some Chinese taboos in international advertising. Finally we listed some Polish taboos. For Tue, Dec 16th please refresh (or read for the first time):

1. Delphine Manceau, E. Tissier Desbordes, “Are Sex and Death Taboos in Advertising?
An Analysis of Taboos in Advertising and a Survey of French Consumer Perceptions”,
International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2006


2. John Ford, “Comments - Fear Appeals”, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 25, No.
3, 2006

poniedziałek, 1 grudnia 2008

2.12 No class

As you probably know we won't meet tomorrow. Sorry about that, something very urgent has come up. Well, I am pretty sure you will enjoy your free afternoon, right? However, not to lose this precious time I am gonna ask you to watch one of the commercials below (I took them from last Friday's Noc Reklamożerców/AdEaters) and do three things:

1) Describe the target group.
2) Decode the message. What did they want to say about the brand/service/values, wahetever? What benefits, what features does the ad focus on? What is it supposed to do?
3) What emotions does it base on and why?

You can post your answers here on the blog (make sure you sign them with your real name, so I'll know who is who) or send it to me by mail. Do it by Dec 8th.

Oh, by the way - you can vote for the best ad of all. We'll see what appeals to young sociologists A.D. 2008. :-)

1. Audi Quattro (make sure you watch all three and in the right order)
Audi 1
Audi 2
Audi 3
4. Metro Madrid
5. The Crime Channel
6. Center Fruit